Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mutual Fund Update – The 2nd Best Time to Invest (Share)

Sharing you this message I received from Mutual Funds Philippines


I hope this will inspire you…
Posted: 08 Feb 2012 04:33 AM PST
Today is the 2nd best time to invest in mutual funds or in the equities market. Why? Because the Philippine economy is going strong. We just hit a new record high of 4,800+ points and not being affected by the Eurozone debt crisis. This only proves that our economy is getting stronger against the effects of other countries. Just look at the peso – dollar exchange rate, a strong P42.50 to a dollar. Very strong indeed.
A lot of years has passed since I first started this blog for the purpose of documenting my journey in investing and also sharing my experience with our Filipino people about mutual funds. Some people may have started earlier than me and some people might have been encouraged after reading some articles in this blog. I appreciate the fact that I have converted you into a savvy investor and made you think about the future, your future. It is your future after all and it will be a bright one. For those who have not yet started in investing, you are missing out on a lot. Bad times have come, and that is the 1st best time to invest. Stock prices and mutual funds are cheap and you can get a lot of profit and gains once the market picked up again. But a better strategy is to add more money into your mutual funds thru good times and bad times. Especially at bad times.
I have thought how far have I come in this mutual fund investing journey and took a peek at my investment account. To my delight, my mutual fund portfolio has been hatching a lot of eggs and are now producing more money without me working.
From my first ever year in earnings from Mutual fund of P15,000. I have come a long way. From a measly mutual fund with P15,000 in gains and 2 years after, that fund has earned P129,759.48 in profit.

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Who says money can’t buy happiness? If money can’t buy happiness, why is there a smile in my face? This is money that I have never worked for. It is wealth that money made for me. Each penny that is in there is a testament to the ability of a person to be financially free with enough financial education, discipline and living within their means. And also a little bit of sacrifice.
The key is investing consistently and diligently. Invest in good times and bad times. Sacrifice a little bit for a brighter future. Think about your kids, think about your retirement, if you spend all the money you are earning now, be it big or small, would you be able to live comfortably when you retire? When you can’t work anymore? Look at your kids, would you be able to put them to a good university?
Look at what can happen in a span of 2 years of consistently investing your money every month. Then imagine how much you could gain 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years from now? It is possible you can live just by the returns of those investments. And people who started out young will be able to experience that earlier in their lives and will probably enjoy it more for longer time we have in this world.

Happy investing!